Ordering Offline

If you would prefer to order by post:

To order any of our products please download and print off the order form. When you have completed the form please send it with a cheque or purchase order for the total due to the Floatsation® address which is provided on the form.

Please note: If you are eligible to purchase at the zero rate of VAT please make sure you download and complete the eligibility declaration from the list below and include this form with your order. This does not include Postage and Packing that will carry vat at the standard rate of 20%.

VAT Relief

Qualifying Products

Products on our website that are specifically adapted to aid disability or for the chronically sick are eligible ( this is the wording from HM Revenue and Customs not our wording) for VAT relief. These products are shown with prices including and excluding VAT.

These products are only available at zero-rate VAT when purchased directly by an individual for their ‘domestic or personal use’. In order for us to meet “yours and our” obligations to Customs & Excise, and in order to avoid paying VAT on certain items, you will be required to sign a simple declaration form at the checkout that confirms that you are eligible to receive goods which are zero-rated.

Please note we are only able to exempt VAT from the actual goods, all delivery charges will attract VAT as normal.

Your final shopping cart price will include VAT for all items that are not eligible for relief.

Image of the Floatsation Aids that comprise the Set

Who is eligible?

The zero-rating of goods and services for a disabled person depends in part upon the status of the recipient.

In order to qualify for zero-rating, the eligible person must be ‘chronically sick or disabled. The items must not be purchased for the general use of other non disabled persons. Items for use in an institution, or re-sale are not eligible for zero-rating.

Chronically sick means that you have an illness that is likely to last a long time e.g. arthritis, diabetes, and angina. Disabled means substantially and permanently disabled by illness or injury.

To claim relief from VAT, you must specify the nature of your illness or disablement in the VAT relief declaration.

A frail elderly person who is otherwise able-bodied or any person who is only temporarily disabled or incapacitated, such as with a broken limb does not qualify for VAT relief.

If you are in doubt you should call your local Customs office or call the National Advice Service on 0845 302 02 03.

How do I claim?

To claim VAT relief please do as follows:
  • Tick the tax exemption box on the checkout page (it is above the price breakdown).
  • It is very important to hit the ‘update button’ otherwise it will not be deducted from the eligible items.
  • On the billing and delivery details page, when you scroll down you will see the VAT Relief Declaration Form. This must be completed otherwise you will be charged VAT.
We are required to retain a copy of your declaration and it may be passed to HM Customs & Excise as evidence of your eligibility. If you are in any doubt whether you qualify for VAT relief, please feel free to contact us or call us on 07710 938536 for advice. Alternatively, you may want to look for more information on the ‘direct.gov.uk’ website VAT relief on products and services for disabled people which provides further information. If you would like to place your order by telephone and intend to claim VAT relief, we will only be able to dispatch your order once we have received a signed declaration. We will process your order at the retail price quoted on your order less the VAT element.

Completing your declaration

You must be sure of your eligibility for VAT relief before completing the declaration. You can order on behalf of another person and complete the form accordingly.

You must be sure of your eligibility for VAT relief before completing the declaration. Section 39.2 of the VAT Act 1983 provides for severe penalties for anyone who makes use of a document which they know to be false for the purposes of obtaining VAT relief.

Important Information

  • The goods ordered must be for personal or domestic use only.
  • The VAT relief does not apply to the posting and packaging charges.
  • We retain the completed form for presentation to the VAT office. It will not be used for any other purpose

Delivery (UK Only)

For delivery outside of the UK please contact us to receive a quotation.

Worldwide Tarrifs

I thought price increases due to tariffs would apply after the 1st of April.

Unfortunately we are having to increase our prices to accommodate the increase in minimum wage and national insurance contributions. This price increase is only to cover these extra costs.

If you wish to place an order, please do so before the 1st of April 25 to avoid these increases.